my dear husband is very smart, diligent, motivated, driven, generous, and works harder than anyone. he is also complete oblivious!
my dear son is very smart, diligent, motivated, (noticing a trend?) etc. he is also quite sneaky. these two things, when added together equal mischeif when i'm not watching said son.
the latest example happened last night. i mixed up some yummy sugar cookie dough to make cookies for becky's baby shower. this dough needs to chill for at least one hour before you begin rolling and cutting. i had an errand to run, so it was working out just right, i'd chill the dough while running the errand, come back, and roll, cut, bake!
having been gone at night before, and found evidence of toby sneaking down to the kitchen after bedtime (while said husband is being oblivious), i knew i couldn't leave my dough unprotected. so, i put the dough in the garage fridge. told matthew, "if you hear the alarm do it's chime that says the door is opening, that's toby trying to get the cookie dough. do not let him eat it!" i left, so pleased with myself that i had created such a fool-proof parenting, cookie dough protection plan for matthew!
i return less than an hour later. i open the garage door. the light is off. i had left it on. hmmm.... i look to the door, which is precariously not all the way closed. uh oh. i look in the garage fridge at the dough. a nice little trench has been carved. i come in. go upstairs. toby's still awake. i ask, "how did you manage to get to the cookie dough without daddy hearing you?"
"i just did. sorry mommy" i turn to go to my bedroom.
"matthew, how on earth did you not notice the alarm?"
"what? what happened?"
seriously, dude? he stil has no idea what went on! poor little oblivious overacheiver!
"k, babe, i told you that if you hear the alarm chime, that's toby trying to get the cookie dough. how did he turn on the hall light, go downstairs, open the door, making the alarm chime, get some dough, come back upstairs, and you not notice anything?"
"i don't know. sorry. don't get on me!"
"im not 'getting on you', i just can't believe you're this obtuse!"
"i get it. sorry. please don't keep talking about it over and over"
i like to really drive a point home sometimes. i think it's cute that he knows this well enough to make a pre-emptive request. ;)
under my breath, as i leave the room, "you said you 'got it' the last time he did this" (i admit, this statement was a bit out of line!)
i like that we argue without really arguing.
i head downstairs, knowing all is really ok. i still have plenty of dough, toby didn't really take very much. matthew always tries, even though he misses stuff sometimes.
so, i'm back to the task at hand. roll roll roll, cut cut cut, bake bake bake, frost frost frost. i cleaned up the evidence and hid them from toby so i'll have some to take to the shower. today, i'm piping some white frosting to detail the pink, lavender, and pale yellow cookies.
and i need to prepare the game i'm in charge of. it's gonna be catchphrase with baby terms. my brilliant friend, theresa did this game for my shower.
i'm so excited for becky (matthew's little sister) to join the mommy club!! and i get a new niece that's close by! not in australia or alabama, but here in arizona (do coates' have a thing with living in places that start and end with a?)
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