Thursday, July 31, 2008

the train! the train!

since toby goes to preschool on monday/wednesday/friday mornings, i try to make sure that tuesdays and thursdays are a little extra special. harkins summer movie fun helped take care of tuesdays this summer, and i declared thursday as "outing day". today's outing was to one of our very favorite places, mccormick-stillman railroad park in scottsdale. it was very hot, but still a fun morning. and we had an extra special treat, daddy came along too! that is truly rare for him to come play on a work morning. so here are some pics (look, aimee- i did it all by myself..........)

how precious!

he could literally do this for days

after a blue raspberry icee!

we also watched ballets russes last night. most documentaries are difficult to follow all the way through, but we enjoyed this one very much. probably me more than matthew. i just kept thinking about what amazing lives these folks lived, to be nearly forgotten in modern society. watching the interviews and seeing them in their lives today, was just so sweet and touching. most of the dancers are still dancing/teaching/funding ballet today all across the world.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


i added a widget. look over there, to the right. my friend anne told me about her widget to her son's 5th birthday. and how exciting turning 5 is for her boys. lots of things happen at 5. things you can't do when your only 4. so now, i'm counting down to 5 for toby. i can't believe it's coming so soon. it's a little like a countdown to him being a kid instead of a baby/toddler/preschooler. great, now i hafta go cry about losing my baby. 6 months from now. what a sappy mom!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday

as always, a busy but good day.
woke up, went to work/church, visited mother-in-law for lunch, visited my mom in hospital, took naps (all three of us), watched a documentary, had a picnic in the backyard for dinner (toby's idea), watched a movie (more in the next paragraph), and now, internet stuff.

the movie was In Bruges. interesting- it was quirky, witty, funny, and yet full of drama and action. very enjoyable time. fyi-if you don't know me or my hubby very well, we LOVE movies. we have seen close to 1000, own close to 400 dvds, and have spent time watching the classics. we consider ourselves kinda mini-experts.

meanwhile, getting back to my normal life has been joyful. i became very smitten with boulder, co. the lifestyle and weather and gorgeous natural surroundings were delightful. but i missed both matthew and toby so much.
i love my little toby-boy. he's so sweet and very polite, even though he has too much energy to know what to do with. yes, he bounces off the walls often, but most messes are cleanable, all owies are fixable with a bambi (bandaid) and a kiss, and all obedience offenses are easily forgotten with night-night hugs.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

so, i'm sitting in the denver airport, with two lovely friends- aimee and lynn. both have blogs, and were slightly aghast that i didn't know how to use or even get one. let alone my apprehension about maintaining this random stream of consciousness. well, i've taken the jump, and am ready to enter the (certainly soon-to-be international fanbase) blogosphere.