Wednesday, July 30, 2008


i added a widget. look over there, to the right. my friend anne told me about her widget to her son's 5th birthday. and how exciting turning 5 is for her boys. lots of things happen at 5. things you can't do when your only 4. so now, i'm counting down to 5 for toby. i can't believe it's coming so soon. it's a little like a countdown to him being a kid instead of a baby/toddler/preschooler. great, now i hafta go cry about losing my baby. 6 months from now. what a sappy mom!

1 comment:

RWJR said...

CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR BLOG! I'm so excited you are entering "the club" - isn't it fun?!
I can't wait to peek in your "closet" and learn more about you all :)

Thanks for the comment on my blog - yes, I know my performance WAS divine on the ABCs - you should check out my most recent post of "Books are fun" by Barney that I sang along with.....just lovely I tell ya :)

Happy Blogging,