Sunday, July 27, 2008

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday

as always, a busy but good day.
woke up, went to work/church, visited mother-in-law for lunch, visited my mom in hospital, took naps (all three of us), watched a documentary, had a picnic in the backyard for dinner (toby's idea), watched a movie (more in the next paragraph), and now, internet stuff.

the movie was In Bruges. interesting- it was quirky, witty, funny, and yet full of drama and action. very enjoyable time. fyi-if you don't know me or my hubby very well, we LOVE movies. we have seen close to 1000, own close to 400 dvds, and have spent time watching the classics. we consider ourselves kinda mini-experts.

meanwhile, getting back to my normal life has been joyful. i became very smitten with boulder, co. the lifestyle and weather and gorgeous natural surroundings were delightful. but i missed both matthew and toby so much.
i love my little toby-boy. he's so sweet and very polite, even though he has too much energy to know what to do with. yes, he bounces off the walls often, but most messes are cleanable, all owies are fixable with a bambi (bandaid) and a kiss, and all obedience offenses are easily forgotten with night-night hugs.


Aimee said...

Tia! So glad to see you here in Bloggerville! I love your post.

It was SO fun to hang with you in the airport all day long yesterday. Let's do it again sometime!

RWJR said...

What a sweet little boy....I want to smooch him :)
love, Anne